Puke Ariki is the new, united museum, library and visitor information centre for Taranaki. Puke Ariki tells the stories of Taranaki through exhibitions, displays, collections and interactive technology. 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth, 06 759 6060.
KINA is a boutique design store,art gallery & on-line shop proudly supporting New Zealand/Aotearoa designers, craftspeople & artists. This is the perfect place to shop if you are looking for a distinctive slice of New Zealand made art and design.
White water sledge over a 30 foot spillway. Maori history, sledge around an old Maori Pa 'fortification'. Okahutiti Pa - The birthplace of the prophet Tohu Kakahi. "Excellent, professional and safe, well thought out, positive Maori aspect" - Harry UK. Run Times 9am, 12noon, and 3.
A three-day get-away of moderate walking (45kms over 3 days) in the Eastern Taranaki Backcountry. Enjoy NZ native bush at its best in remote location and great farm and country hotel hospitality. Inclusive of all meals, transport, accommodation, 3 nights (linen bed).
We're kicking off the new year with Brass in the Park on Sunday 9th Feb at 4pm. Come and enjoy an hour of easy listening tunes with us in the beautiful setting of Pukekura Park. Start Date: End Date: Venue: Pukekura Park - New Plymouth, TaranakiDistance: 0.8 KM from New Plymouth